Losing weight is not only a physical challenge but also a mental challenge, you may need to revamp some of your eating habits and attitudes about food before shedding pounds. As you diet, give these simple tips as try:
Eat four, five or even six mini-meals a day instead of three regular size meals. The practice of eating three meals a day is based not on nutritional principles, but on convenience. Some dieters find that they don’t get as hungry between meals if they eat mini-meals throughout the day. But others find it more difficult to keep their calorie counts under control with the mini-meals. Try both systems and use the one that works for you and your lifestyle. Whichever system you choose though, it’s important to keep your eating times regularly scheduled.
Eat slowly, cutting and chewing each bite deliberately. This gives your brain time to acknowledge the food you are eating and to stop sending the messages that make you think you’re full, you’re practicing one of the best dieting exercise, pushing yourself away from the table!
Change your eating habits. Replacing your favorite candies, cookies, chips is a good start! These are not healthy and of course, high in calorie! Better change to vegetables and fruits. These healthy snacks will satisfy your craving to munch, but contribute fewer calories
If you find yourself eating junk food while you’re watching television, find something to keep you busy. Why not fix your nails with a manicure? Perhaps play crossword puzzles? Better yet, download new apps and try it right away!
Do grocery shopping after eating at home to reduce your urge to buy junk food. Make a shopping list before going and always stick to it.