How to loose weight with Dukan; try the prehistoric weight loss plan
With a rapid rise in obesity threatening to be the next global epidemic to hit the world it is difficult not to help but ask the question are we evolving too quickly for our bodies to keep up?
With fast food and high carbohydrate based meals being so popular and consumed at such a high rate in day to day life it is relatively easy to see how obesity may have become such a huge issue. Especially with the lack of exercise which generally follows a slow releasing carbohydrate based meal.
The staple diet of the prehistoric hunter gather would have being mostly protein and vegetable/fruit based plus a full day’s worth of activity hunting and foraging. Where our minds have excelled our bodies to create rich carbohydrate foods and at such a fast rate, our bodies have been left behind trying to adapt to this new modern day diet and inactive lifestyle, leading to an exceedingly larger modern man.

The Dukan healthy diet plan, tried and tested via celebs such as Kate Middleton, is a primarily high protein based low carbohydrate plan which works on the premise that humans return to the basic food groups which were consumed thousands of years ago when we were mere primitive men and women.
Pierre Dukan puts forward a list of 100 foods which will form the basis of the diet along with a 4 phased diet plan. In phase one of the plan which involves 5 – 10 days’ worth of protein only food and a 20 minute walk, you see a rapid loss of weight.
Phase two sees the introduction of vegetables and a steady but slower decrease in weight. The final two Dukan diet phases focus on stabilising the weight loss achieved. Some rapid weight loss plans neglect the final two phases put forward in the Dukan diet, hence forth seeing the weight loss achieved in the initial few phases being gained again almost as rapidly as they were lost.

This is probably the real sale point of the Dukan diet, it aims to reduce weight indefinitely via a sustainable approach. Like most modern day sustainable approaches we see Dukan looking back at history to see where it is we went wrong and how to get back on track.